Monday, July 30, 2012

Just thinking about my mom

I was thinking about my mom this morning.  There was no particular reason.  I was just thinking about her ways, about her mannerisms, the funny things she’d say, and yes, some of the funny faces she’d make.  I found myself laughing out loud.  I can see bits and pieces of her in me.  (I see my dad too, and to be honest I always kind of felt that I took after my dad a bit more), but especially as I grow older I see a definite reflection of her in me. 

I also find myself remembering her (when I think of her, that is; she’s not gone!)  with a somewhat rosy recollection.  That may be age too.  Not that there wouldn’t be things I wouldn’t change about her . . . . Let’s be honest, what child wouldn’t?  But as time goes on I am more and more happy and content to remember and meditate on the things that make me smile. 

There is a way a daughter perceives her mother as a child in sort of an idealistic picture frame.  This can be in the way she remembers how her mother looked to what she did or accomplished or even in smaller and more subtle ways, like how she smelled or sounded on the phone.  My mom smells like Jergens cherry almond lotion.  And whether she still wears it yet, I can’t really say, but for me, that is what she will always smell like.  Interestingly, it said a lot about her.  Utilitarian.  She didn’t have a lot of use for perfume (that I can remember).  But a nice smelling lotion served its purpose and was pleasing to ones senses as well.  On the phone she sounds like a southern bell. 

I also always thought my mother was pretty, particularly pictures of her in her twenties.  She had a sort of professional, neat and tidy look, in my opinion.  One little known fact is that she did work for the FBI.  She did clerical and secretarial work.  I remember seeing her use her Greg’s short hand most of my childhood.  She still does, I believe, while taking notes over the phone, writing down times of kids’ baseball games or dates of plays, etc.  I always thought she had the most beautiful handwriting.  Perfect cursive with a perfect slant.  I did not inherit nor practice such handwriting.  Mine is short and “sqwonk,” a term my husband coined that has not yet made it into Webster’s dictionary.  Has it?? 

She always seemed so smart to me, knowledgeable in current events and history.  I don’t remember her reading many books, fiction or non-fiction.  Most of her reading enjoyment came from the newspaper or magazines.  But I think back now to how hard she worked and as a mother myself how it might have been a challenge to find much time to read at all.  She was (is) a very discerning person.  I could see her read right through a person at a glance.  Good or bad.  I think she judged most situations and personalities accurately, cutting to the core.  Maybe someone was having a bad day . . . . or in another, they probably responded that way to everyone in life . . . .

Getting back to the FBI.  When I was little and thinking my mother quite smart and perceiving, I could envision her as an American spy.  Her hair pinned back neatly and curled under.  Pictures of her in her pencil skirts, heels, and pearls, Jackie Kennedy style helped the image.  Its so funny to look back at family pictures of my mom in her short hair-cuts and seventies wardrobe.  The two pictures seemed so contrary with each other it was hard to believe that it was my mother in those pictures.  It seemed like it had to be another person. 

I always thought she had beautiful hands.  Her nails never wore paint but were perfectly manicured.  Her nails really did seem as strong as “nails.”  They still do.  I don’t know how she kept them.  Mine are usually neatly short.

I realize that some of these thoughts are a bit random.  Maybe in time I will come back to them and add to or rearrange. Make more sense of them or add meaning.  But they are what they are today.  And mostly, what I think of when I think of my mom is someone extremely self-sacrificing.  That can be said for her today as well.  But back then, when I and my three sisters were growing up I have to admit probably everything she did was out of what she perceived our best interest.  (Some things I will without shame still adamantly protest were NOT for my best interest), but I believe she meant well. 

I can’t think of one thing she ever did out of self interest.  This is not always a good thing.  I think of all her talents and wonder to some degree if she had dreams that might have turned out quite nicely if she had let herself have just a little of herself to herself.   But that is not for me to judge.  What is for me is to observe.  And I would say she has done quite well for herself  to have four daughters who love her and would argue with anyone who thought she had a selfish bone in her body.  Four daughters with great husbands and seventeen grandchildren graduating from high-school and college left and right, or moving to the next grade or the next level in a number of activities or interests so quickly it would make your head spin. 

I think the Bible verse I heard her quote the most was, “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.”  Psalm 37:23.  I think what I remember the most about her saying that is it being accompanied by “and I just heard that verse in my head . . . “  I’ll have to go back and ask her when she heard that.  I guess it was enough to me that she heard it at all.  That she heard his voice.  So many don’t. 

She’s not perfect.  But I’m not a teenager anymore.  So I’m not writing on those things.  Just thinking about my mom .. . . 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

To Isaac "Under the Maple Trees"

I see you best under the maple trees,
Sometimes swinging or digging in the dirt,
Sometimes gathering sticks to build a fire.

I like you best there.
I watch you from my bedroom window
And see you more closely than eye to eye.

The sun shines on you leaving a halo on your blonde head.
You are a light, an angel.

I see you clearly there,
Darting in and out of the tall trees
And their shadows and their dappled light.

You are not a blur to me.
Your image is precise,
The outline of your tall frame and slender build.

I see how you've grown.
You look taller out there with the trees . . . 

You will always stand taller where you belong . . . 

I hear you best when you are under the maple trees,
An occasional laugh or boyish sound.
I know the leaves crunch beneath your feet.

You look so happy to be out there.
You told me someday you will live on a farm.
I hear you better when you are under the maple trees.

You must have deep thoughts out there.
You are making plans. 

If you need to think more clearly,
If you doubt or need to be reminded,
Go stand under the Maple trees.

You will always stand taller where you belong.

Now go stand there.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Did I hear you right??

Its been a tough morning to find any quiet time at all.  The kids have had a lot of questions as we close the end of the school year.  And Greg is particularly unsatisfied with anything we try pacify him with.  Its all "old" to him.  He needs adventure like a duck needs water.  

Well, I finally sat in my chair in disbelief at the sudden quietude.  That is a word, right?  :)  - - - "God talk to me."  Sometimes when I have so much filling my head and I don't have any idea of where to start with my own words, this seems like a good place to begin a conversation.  I was quiet for a minute.  And then the verse, "my sheep hear my voice," came to mind.  I thought, "I've read that so many times.  I probably don't need to even look it up . .. " but I did anyway.  

"My sheep hear my voice.  I know them.  And they follow me."  John 10:27

The "I know them" part kind of struck me.  Have I paid much attention to that?  "My sheep hear my voice." and "they follow me"  have been pretty quotable.  Yes, those I remember pretty well.  But here, right inbetween God telling us that we hear his voice, and that we follow him is the very comforting and reassuring certainty that he knows us. WELL, I might add.  And it kind of fell on me that as he talks to us he is taking very careful thought as to who we are.  Our thoughts, personalities, ideas, interests, gifts, desires, questions.  And still he says, "they follow me."  All of a sudden those words sounded so confident. It made me think that the more confidence we have in Him that He speaks to us, the more confidence He has in us that we will follow him.  

I think sometimes I get caught up in doubting what I feel He's impressed on me, or said to me.  "Did I hear you right?"  I ask.  And there is nothing wrong with wanting to be more certain that it is His voice we hear and not our own.  I'm not advocating randomly going around doing things in God's name without searching out the matter.  Yes, examine your heart.  Ask him questions.  Search out the matter with him.  But I ask myself this morning, "How much more important might it be to God that my heart wants to hear his voice and follow him than that I get it right everytime?"  I think maybe that just like anything God gives us, including his voice, that we be good stewards of it.  If I think he's said something. I'm quite sure I should do something about it.  Add to that faith, and I believe he will increase my ability to hear as I steward his voice and in obedience follow him in doing that which he's laid on my heart.  

"So, in the practice of stewardship I share this this morning, God.  :)  For what its worth.  Only because I just get so excited when you talk to me.  There's nothing I want more.  God talk to me.  Keep talking to me and let me just abide in you and I'm a pretty happy gal most of the time.  I may not get it right all the time.  But I have a lot of good friends who pretty much love to hear from you too and may have similar questions at times.  So please, fine tune my radio reception.  I'd really like you to think about me confidently that I'm someone who hears your voice and will follow you.  And thanks for talking to me.  And for knowing me.  That sits sweetly this morning, God." 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

So I had a Bad Day . . .

Let's just say the Alvin and the Chipmunks, "You Had a Bad Day," would be my ring tone of choice today.  In all fairness, it wasn't all bad.  It started out quite nicely.  I started a cup of coffee hot and finished it hot.  That was cool . .. .  There was laughter, a little quiet and a mixture of productivity.  The kids and I cleaned and vacuumed the truck after school . . . . That process wasn't easy on any level.  Especially the working with people part . . . .but it was still a goal accomplished.

Things started turning bitter a little before the supper hour.  Why is not so much as important as how.  That it could happen so quickly is what impresses me . . .   coming in like a tidal wave and covering everything in its path before you even notice.  Nothing left untouched.  It pretty much put a "damper" on the rest of the evening.

And so I sit here.  Thinking about it.  Replaying the day.  Thinking of those pleasant moments and conversations from early this morning.  Thinking about a verse I was thinking about before seven this morning.  Thinking about it some more and wondering how something that struck me so intensely could be forgotten so quickly.  I was in the kitchen with Jon before the kids were out of bed and was telling him that it was like I had heard Philippians 2:6-7 for the first time.

Who, being in very nature God, (Jesus) did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

Wasn't I just telling him how amazing it was that Jesus didn't walk around saying, "Grasp this!"  He didn't meet people and interact with them with the attitude, "I am equal to God.  Contemplate that for a minute.  Then I'll get back to you."  I remember laughing.  Wasn't I just saying how easy it is to do that in our own home?  With friends?  Family?  Church?  I remember saying for example I could say, "I am mom.  Grasp that."  Just fill in the blank.  "I  am . . . . Grasp that."  "This is what I do .. . . Grasp that."  I remember our conversation.  Its funny.  I just don't remember at what point I forgot it.  

I wish I hadn't because it might have been a better evening.  My savior met the average person on the street and became their servant before expecting them to grasp who is really is.  God.  And yet in my own house how hard it is for me to be servant first.  In humanness I want the recognition of who I am before taking on the nature of a servant.  How far I have to go.  But if having a bad day now and then enables me to better understand the nature of God and His character I'd have to say it was worth it.  

I'm so glad he stoops to talk to me even when I don't get it right.  His character is most certainly that of a servant.  His nature is most assuredly God.  

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.  Ephesians 5:1

But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.  1 Samuel 15:22

I didn't expect to be on here this morning.  I'm not really a die-hard blogger . . .   :)  But I had a few quiet moments this morning.  And as I sat with my coffee I guess I just offered up that prayer that I often do.  "Lord, speak to me."  Sometimes he does right away.  Other times, he waits.  (I actually thought I had a couple inklings of what he might talk to me about this morning.  A couple things I thought maybe he was going to wrap up.  lol).  But I didn't open my Bible.  Thank goodness I was quiet for a minute.   - - - A song came on.  It spoke of obedience being better than sacrifice.  I looked up a couple verses.  There was a light touch on my shoulders.  This is definitely what He had for me this morning.  

How often, (I'm ashamed to admit) have I rushed off to church with something to offer as a "sacrifice" when what he really wanted was for me to "go near to listen?"  What have I been so intent on contributing while all the while I was disobeying as much in what I did not do as anything I could "do"?  

I don't really have much more.  Nothing too "well put" or insightful.  But that may be the beauty of it.  Even in this, there's not much I can contribute.  He said it in His Word.  I didn't.  "to obey is better than sacrifice."  "Go to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice."  BTW, I'm not advocating ditching nursery duty, or anything this morning!  :)  Just getting some perspective this morning from the only name I want my heart to sing.  Jesus.  

Thursday, February 2, 2012


So much I'm thinking about! But thought I'd send this out before even attempting to find any words of my own. I love this.